We know hosting and leading a group takes a lot of time and energy, and it’s frustrating if after investing so much into preparation, people forget to show up!

Using the new event reminder feature in Groups you can keep the event on people’s radars, but wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly how many people are planning to come?

You can!

When you are ready to send out the event reminder you can choose to include a request for members to RSVP in the email.

The new RSVP column on the event listing page gives you a preview of how many responses you have and how many people have yet to RSVP. This column is a great way for you to quickly check what the attendance of your event is going to look like.

The Groups events tab with two monthly calendars side by side and and a list of events below displaying RSVPs.

When you are ready to see individual RSVPs, you can click on a specific group meeting and see a breakdown of how each member responded. With this information, you can follow-up with the people who cannot make it and be better prepared for the people who can!

The Groups events tab with the details for a group and a list of people who have RSVP'd to attend.

We are excited about the future of this feature and plan to continue attaching new tools, like the ability to automate your weekly event reminders and RSVP requests.

Our team would love to hear your ideas for how we build on the feature, we might use them!

Team Groups
Jess, Dan, Brian, Christopher, Dustin, and Steve