We’re excited to announce a new feature that may change the way you set up your Stations. Starting today you can now lock your stations to an event, folder, or location. This will be useful in situations where you have multiple campuses. For example, you might have a North and South campus and you don’t want your North locations showing up on your South Stations. In the same way, you can lock a Station to a specific group of classrooms or one Station for a specific location.

When you’re adding or editing a Station you’ll now see a “Lock Station” button that will give you the options to choose an event, folder, or location.

Once it’s locked a few things will happen. On a self station, you’ll only be able to check in people to the location(s) the station is locked to. A manned station will work a little bit differently though as it’ll auto-select only the people that fit in the locked location. However, since a manned station is allowed to do everything, you can still check people into a location the station is not locked to. In this case, the normally yellow warning message will turn red when it’s selected. If you’d like some more information check out our Lock a Station article

As you know, we’re always building and improving our apps, and we’re excited about the next steps our app is taking. Stay tuned, and we think you’ll be excited too!

Scott, Robert, Jake, and Jesse - The Check-Ins Team.